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Rediscover the most vibrant version of yourself

  • 10 Steps


In this 2-hour masterclass, leading transformational coach, neuro-linguistic master practitioner and international yoga teacher Dorothee Marossero will take you on a journey of self-awareness to release of limiting mind and body patterns. You will: ​ - Learn some key habits to create true wellness in the body and mind through nutrition, movement, self-care and mindset - And why creating sustainable habits all come down to mindset - Bring awareness to some fo the key limiting mind patterns that prevents you from stepping up to your next level of evolution (such as judgment, worse case scenario and the belief of not being good enough) - Experience and learn tools on how to release those and re-imprint some new beliefs in your body and mind Come and join us to step up to your next level of consciousness!

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



3 Plans Available, From A$250.00/month


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